Monday, July 20, 2009

Ecological Justice

Acid rain..oil spills...industrial waste....deforestation...extinction of many plant and animal species...ozone depletion...excessive energy consumption...massive starvation....

God calls us to see that justice is done on earth..
"God created the heavens and stretched them out; God fashioned the earth and all that lives there;..God gave life and breath to all it's people. And now the Lord God says to all servants...I, the Lord, have called you and given you power to see that justice is done on earth. Through you I will bring light to the nations." Isaiah 42:5,6

United Methodist Women's Green Team is the catalyst helping us the engage in the justice that needs to be done concerning our environment. With the Copenhagen Summit on Global Warming coming up in December.....the nations of the world will be coming to the table to do justice.....How are you engaging in the issue of ecological justice and bringing "light to the nations"???? What can we join you in doing????


  1. please, everyone, RECYCLE!I am sad that so many dont do this. Its not hard to do and it helps our environment so very much. If you dont know how to or where to in your area, that's what google is useful for! pass it on to everyone you know. RECYCLE!!! live green! respect our mother earth that god gave us as a gift to care for and enjoy, not to use and destroy.

  2. Recycling is one of many ways to impact our environment.....thank you for sharing your passion!
