Monday, January 16, 2012

Snowflake Dance

The past few days have been the most beautiful of winter days here in Michigan. We have had a pretty grey winter so far, so when the snow began, everyone was excited. The Lake Effect snow just slowly dances from the clouds that gather their billows over Lake Michigan. The snow is light and fluffy and clings to everything it touches. The trees, houses, plants, lines and ponds are covered in a soft winter down. As I sat and watched the flakes descend, I marveled at the magic of winter and the snow that blesses this northern abyss. Each flake is uniquely crafted by the cold winds of Alberta and the waters of Lake Michigan. They dance from the heavens in splendor and delight, and then they cling to others as they float upon the land. One flake is in itself beautiful, but when the flakes come together and adorn the countryside, they become magnificent! We too, are gifts of God, descending from the heavenly bounty that God has designed. We show our grace to the world as we dance from the billows, excited over the wonder of being with others and living in community. It is in that bounty, that we can serve God, together. This new year, I am eager to hear of the ways you will share your gifts, and graces to the collective "together", enjoying the Snowflake Dance of God's season.

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