Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Peace....Peaceful.....Peacefulness.....what does it mean to be an instrument of peace.? How is God calling us to be an extension of God's Peace???? My first opportunities as a United Methodist Woman at Western Michigan University/Wesley Foundation....was as an activist for peace. Demonstrations for human rights, seminars on justice issues, Bible Studies on Peace, and living a life that exemplifies peace. Ahh the 70's.....it was easy to be about peace...everyone was 'doing' it ....and it was fashionable! How are we about Peace today????? Where is justice in our busy lives?
We as United Methodist Women have been called to LIVE peace.....are you? How are you answering God's call????

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


The People of the United Methodist Church are continuing on a journey to rid Africa of Malaria. It began with ONE, NothingButNets, and now continues with Imagine No Malaria. This deadly disease is passed by the bite of a mosquito. Lack of medicine, health clinics, and insecticide, creates a death sentence for the disease's victims.....mostly children. UMCOR and it's partners, are in the midst of the effort to provide Bed Nets that are treated with an insecticide. Families sleep under the nets at night when the pest is most seen. Along with special educators, communications systems to villages, clinics and medical supplies, these nets are saving lives! A $10 net..... That is an easy lunch at a local deli or treating a co-worker to a latte with biscotti at Starbucks! A $10 net....is a trip to the theatre to see "Harry Potter" or a Pizza at Pizza Hut. So.....what do you think ??? How can we rally and make a HUGE difference???? We United Methodist Women, are partners in this campaign....where do we join in ...? Where do you join in????
View "A Killer in the Dark" or "When The Night Comes", documentaries available from UMCom. Go to imaginenomalaria.com for loads of resources....begin the journey that will change the world.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Journey......

This summer, the new studies for the Schools of Christian Mission of the Board of Global Ministries and United Methodist Women, will be introduced in settings around the world. This year, a geographic study (Haiti), social action study (Joy to the World) and spiritual growth study (The Journey) are offered. The spiritual growth study this year, The Journey, challenges us to look at forgiveness and reconciliation in a new way. The study, gently guides us in a spiritual experience that embraces us with understanding and comforts us with God's abundant grace. How has God graced you in forgiveness????? How have you graced others?????? What would the world be like if we all embraced reconciliation with intention and forgiveness????? There is always the first step in every journey......are you ready to begin?

Monday, March 7, 2011

Bake sales....Book Groups......Health Kits....School Mentors....Lenten Breakfasts.....Spiritual Growth Retreats....Women in Black....
United Methodist Women seem to be the "movers and the shakers" in the church. They do the work of God in every imaginable way. They model for the church, the dedication it takes to live out their understanding of commitment to active faith. I enjoy talking with local women about what they are doing in their churches and communities as they live out the PURPOSE. What are you doing???? How are you impacting your faith community.???? Where is God calling you to be in mission???? Let me know what you are doing and I will pass it on to Women's Division at our April board meeting. You are the extension of Jesus in a needing world.......thank you!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Hate, violence, intolerance.....what has happened to compassion? The Women's Division Directors at their last board meeting grappled with that issue. The result was an invitation to women to "Speak Out for Compassion and Against Hate"(document available www.umw.org or www.gbgm-umw.org) United Methodist Women have a long history of being catalysts of compassion at times when hate permeated our societies. ....lynchings in 1930's , Japanese-Americans internment during WWII, US bombing of Afghanistan in 2003, immigrants rights....... The call is to invite local women to discern how God can use them to bring civility back to their communities. How are you being models of compassion in your communities? How do you utilize the Charter for Racial Justice as a tool for compassion-building? Are you being a model of Jesus Christ as his example for responding to the needs of others? Let me know what is going on in your churches and how God is using YOU!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Human Trafficking

The Women's Division has been actively involved in working on ways to tackle human trafficking. It effects all communities, all countries, and governments....especially ours.
Two policy initiatives sponsored by State representative D. Spade (D) were sent to the governor Dec. 16 after being passed in the final hours of the 95th Legislature here in Michigan. This initiative includes a 5-bill package that makes Michigan's human trafficking laws some of the toughest in the nation. According to statistics compiled by the United States Department of State, an estimated 600,00 to 800,00 men, women and children are trafficked across international borders each year and the trade is growing. Of those victims, 70% are female, and 50% are children. An estimated 200,000 American children are at risk for trafficking into the sex industry.
The United Methodist Church calls for the abolition of sex trafficking (2008 Book of Resolutions).
What is this monster?????How does it effect our communities?????? How does it effect you?????